Tuesday, April 14, 2009


As some of you know, Haley and I have struggled a little bit on the whole walking thing on a leash. Haley would get so excited to go on her walk and after about 5 minutes she would just stop dead in her tracks. I couldn't figure out what would make her stop. I tried not taking her to those areas where she would stop as I thought maybe there is something there that is freaking her out. I even tried luring her with treats but after a while she got disinterested in that. It got to the point where I couldn't get her to budge AT ALL to walk back to the house. This resulted in me having to carry this 50 pound dog back to my condo! This must have been a sight to see! The only positive thing about this is my arm muscles are growing...its the new work out program! haha

But I was getting frustrated because Haley wasn't getting enough exercise as our walks would take 40 minutes to go 1/8 of a mile. After talking with some people, they recommended trying a harness in lieu of a regular collar. So, Haley and I tried the harness which she seemed to do a little bit better with but still not great. Last Thursday I was in a rush to get her out the door and I had a choke chain laying around that belonged to one of my parents dogs. I put it on her real quick and out the door we went. Who would have thought this would have been the trick!?!?! She is a walking pro now! I guess her previous owner used this on her and she is used to it. She still stops at times, but with one quick pull she starts walking again. Last night Haley and I went for a 40 MINUTE WALK! I still can't believe it. She was getting her trot on, tail-a-wagging! She seemed so happy as was I. Haley and I are making progress together, as a team and that is such huge progress. I'm so proud of my baby girl!

Haley also got her stitches out on Friday. There is still a little open wound on her face (about the size of the tip of a pinky finger). The vet didn't want to stitch this area back up again as the infection needs to heal from the inside out. He said the body will close it up in time. He put her back on antibiodics to help fight the last of the infection but over all he is thrilled with her progress. I have been trying to take pictures of her new face but everyone I take has a glare to it, or she moves. Maybe tonight will be the night for a good photo shoot! :-)

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